Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Beginning

Let the blogging begin!!! Okay, acutally, I will mostly be using this blog to upload photos (with commentary). My friends say I'm a retard becasue I make absolutely no sense the majority of the time. So you're going to have a great time trying to understand what I've written. But at least the blog will be humorous (hopefully) and full of Beccaness. See, I also make up words. So, moving on.

I'm gonna try to get my bike (acutally my mother's bike) a tune up and maybe bike to work when I can. I can save some money on gas and enjoy this great weather. Speaking of which, no humidity, no bugs, no crazy thunderstorms. I have heard though that the winter can bring some major winds and rain. That sucks for the swimmers and divers. But it's Cali baby, people swim outdoors year round. It doesn't phase them. Yeah, well I'll be the judge of that when December rolls around.

Oh, so my office is right by the men's locker room. OMG!!! Let's just say, I think they built this office just for me. My door splits, so the bottom half can stay shut, but the the top half can stay open. So I see them come out the locker room all ready to get their workout on, with barley nothing on and omg.... I think you can imagine the rest.


Erica said...

Why don't you leave the top half shut and the bottom half open?

Tea-time garden girlie said...

I think you should just leave the whole door open and get a camcorder! ;)

Unknown said...

This job was meant for you! I love ya and can't wait to see you in Sept.

Ps- Camcorder may be illegal, but it's a good idea. Your job reminds me of spring break when we were in Key West at the garden of good and evil. Yikes, skin!