Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Maroon 5 Concert

Last wednesday I went to a Maroon 5 and Counting Crows Concert. Some highlights:
1. We parked next to these two couples who were boozn' it up with some vino, while we rolled some Mike's hard lemonade. The cops almost got us because there is a no alcohol allowed in the parking lot or no open containers policy. That really blew. Anyways, we tried to act all normal but you'll see in the picture.. we looked wayy obvious.
2. Swedish fish are a lot of fun. Wether it's throwing them in the air to catch in your mouth or in your shirt, or putting them into your drink to gobble up later it's definitely entertainment.
3. Dude there were people wearing parkas at the concert. I mean it was chilly but not cold enough to necessitate a parka. We could have used some gloves, though. I'm ain't gonna lie.
4. Maroon 5 was freaking awesome! I was pleasantly surprised at how well they did live. Adam Levine is the hottie of the century.
5. Counting Crows were wack. It was like watching an overacted bad version of Les Meserables. The lead singer was so high, that his tounge was practically hanging out of his mouth when he sang. There were a few songs that rocked, but overall they sucked.
6. Speaking of getting high. The smell of weed was so pungent, that I was probabaly high also and didn't realize it. Which means the Counting Crows had to really suck if I was "high" and thought they sucked

Enjoy the pics!

Family Visit

So my rental units and grandmother came into town labor day weekend. We had a blast. From touring campus in a golf cart, going to half moon bay and enjoying the local brewery, to wine tasting. Here's a quick visual recap of the holiday weekend. Not alot of photos, but you get the idea. I am very blessed to have such a wonderful family!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Trip to Indy

I've just returned from an amazing week in Indy. I was primarly there for Sara Cain's wedding (now Sara Luketich), however I made my rounds to see family and friends.

1. Visited my college friend Kristie in Lafayette, IN. She has two adorable boys. Ethan and Emerson. I also got to see my friend Erica's mom.
2. Visited my childhood friend Melissa in Clinton, IN. She has two children also, Rebecca (named after me) and Joseph. Rebecca is a trip. Definitely named appropriately. We had a ball singing, dancing, and performing. You know, right up my alley.

A couple of wedding highlights:
1. Got yelled out by the priest at the rehearsal for talking and acting up. Somethings never change.
2. Saw some girlfriends I haven't seen since college. My bro and his wife Kristen were also there.
3. Sara had the best photographer ever. Bobbi+Mike. Check out her website for photos from the wedding. www.bobbiandmike.com.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Gettn' my Tahoe-on!

Here are some pics from my trip to Lake Tahoe with my brother Peter and his in-laws. The scenery was breathtaking. The weather outstanding. See for yourself. I plan on going back every summer. So if anyone wants to fly out next August, holla!